
Google Maps Multiple Locations

(3 customer reviews)


[button link=”https://responsive-muse.com/demos/widget-maps-multiple-locations/” color=”default” size=”small” stretch=”” type=”” shape=”” target=”_blank” title=”Demo preview” gradient_colors=”|” gradient_hover_colors=”|” accent_color=”” accent_hover_color=”” bevel_color=”” border_width=”0px” icon=”fa-eye” icon_divider=”no” icon_position=”left” modal=”” animation_type=”0″ animation_direction=”down” animation_speed=”0.1″ alignment=”left” class=”” id=””]PREVIEW[/button] 


Google Maps is the most popular and widely used mapping service available in the internet. It also has the most data, and it uses that data in the smartest way.

We already know that adding a Google Maps Widget to your website helps your SEO. But what if my business has different headquarters in different cities? How can I show my visitors all these addresses without confusing them?

By using this Adobe Muse widget, you will be able to embed Google Maps in your website and add multiple locations to the same map. You can add up to 6 different locations! You just need to get your API Key and add Latitude and Longitude values (more instructions detailed once purchased in readme.txt )

  • Do you have multiple stores or offices?
  • Does your company have headquarters in different cities?
  • Do you need your website to show multiple places in a single map?

Then you should be using this Adobe Muse Google Maps widget!



  1. Drop widget to Adobe Muse.
  2. Resize it as you need.
  3. Config your map center location (where the maps starts).
  4. Config your places, leave empty all the fields you do not want to use.

TIP: Visit latlong.net or any other source to get Lattitude and Longitude values based on any address.

IMPORTANT: to use the English apostrophe (AKA single quotes) in your location name, you need to escape the character with backslash to avoid conflicts. That means you would introduce Joe’s Grill as Joe\’s Grill.


[button link=”https://responsive-muse.com/demos/widget-maps-multiple-locations/” color=”orange” size=”” stretch=”” type=”” shape=”” target=”_blank” title=”” gradient_colors=”|” gradient_hover_colors=”|” accent_color=”” accent_hover_color=”” bevel_color=”” border_width=”1px” icon=”” icon_divider=”yes” icon_position=”center” modal=”” animation_type=”0″ animation_direction=”down” animation_speed=”0.1″ alignment=”center” class=”” id=””]PREVIEW[/button]

3 reviews for Google Maps Multiple Locations

  1. Andrew B

    nice one

  2. nina (verified owner)

    Great widget! too bad Google only allows 6 locations. Big corporations would need more.

  3. Rhonda B. (verified owner)

    Thanks for the trick of using single quotes to add apostrophes 😉
    great support

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