How to add a selection of icons from IcoMoon to Adobe Muse

In IcoMoon you can find free and premium icon packs. You can download vector, SVG and font icon packs or use IcoMoon app. You can find all the set of icons in the Library. It is very useful to have as many free web resources as you can, but what if you just need specific icons from different icons and you do not want to download the whole set? With IcoMoon, you can do it.

Browse the library and select the icons that you want from the different packs. You can switch from one to another and the app will still remember your selection. When you are done, select “Generate font”. Before downloading, click on the cog icon and make the font compatible with old versions of Internet Explorer (IE7 and IE6). The app will generate a javascript and a special CSS file. Download the font when you are done.

Unzip the folder and you will find all you need. You can install the fonts locally so you can use it in other desktop apps and in Adobe Muse, you can convert it into a webfont. It is very important to keep the demo.html file in a safe place as you will need it as a quick cheatsheet.

Watch the video for more detailed steps.

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