How to research the best keywords for your business

You have a business, a product or you want to sell a service and be noticed online. Let’s say that you have opened a hairdresser in New York City and when you begin to plan your online strategy, you start thinking about how would your potential customers search for you on Google. What are they going to write on Google search bar?  This is why you need to know what a keyword is.

A keyword is a word that your customer will use to search for you. “Hairdresser in New York” is not going to be enough, you need more but… where do I find more keywords? Don’t worry, I will show you an online tool that suggests keywords really fast.

Keyword Suggest is a free online tool from Netgrows. It is very simple to use, just type the keyword that you have in mind and it will suggest other interesting keywords related to the one that you have typed. You might find interesting things like people searching for “hair salon for curly hair” or “the most affordable hairdresser in New York”.

In the tutorial, you can see that we made two different searches: hairdressers in New York and, Korean restaurant in Singapore. When the results show up, you will find many suggestions for you to use on your site, but also be careful with some tricky keywords that might not fit your business (i.e. “salon new york budapest” is a famous coffee shop in Budapest called New York).

It is time to do some good SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and combine all these interesting keywords that will suit your business and write content using them.

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