
Ratings & Reviews

(9 customer reviews)



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Adobe Muse Ratings and Reviews Widget.

Add ratings and reviews to your website and show them in Google Search engine results page (SERP). Reviews and ratings are indicators of quality, confidence and credibility. Now you can show your positive reviews of your Adobe Muse website pages in Google and standout from your competition.

Displaying rich snippets increases click through rates (CTR) and will attract more potential customers. In a Google search, star ratings will draw customers attention to that page and will encourage them to click on that URL than on others that do not have any ratings.


Screenshot of  how your Google results will look like.


Visitors are more likely to purchase from sites which have star ratings and they also trust more the reviews from other customers than your own descriptions. Customers will want to see other customers recommendations before purchasing or visiting your site.



  • No Database required.
  • You can use this widget on one page or multiple URL.
  • This widget uses schema markups.
  • Based on CSV files that any PHP compatible server without database should be able to read and write. Note that Business Catalyst Hosting does not support PHP.
  • Nice pagination with different effects.
  • Styling options to customize the widget as you like.
  • Control Panel with protected login.
  • Read, modify and delete reviews via Control Panel.
  • Export & backup your comments with one click (CSV Download).
  • Export reviews and open them with Excel.
  • You can set “Default” font and use any Typekit or web font selected in Adobe Muse.
  • Ajax coding: reduces spam a lot since spam bots will not be able to see the submit form.


  • Bug fixes.
  • Added compatibility with special characters from different languages.
  • Added compatibility with adaptive Muse sites.
  • Added optional absolute path widget where you can set your absolute ratings.php URL. That will allow you to run this widget in complex Muse sites.


  • Anti spam protection added: Google reCAPTCHA V2.
  • Get your site reCAPTCHA V2 API key for free at https://www.google.com/recaptcha/admin
  • Leave empty API key to disable captcha. Remember to replace test API key for your own to remove “testing purposes” message.
  • Small bugs fixed (27/11/2017).


  1. Open & edit ratings.php with Notepad++ (or another software that will not change file encoding).
  2. Change at least username, password and csvname values (do not use default values to increase security).
  3. Add Widget element into your Muse Workspace.
  4. Attach ratings.php file in widget settings, you will see how preview changes showing you dummy comments.
  5. Customize as you want and upload your website to any PHP compatible server.
  6. Once you have uploaded it, write your first comment and refresh page to see reviews and ratings results over submit form.
  7. You should take into account that these form elements are not editable directly in Adobe Muse nor you can add more fields, so to control the form layout you must use the widget settings.


  1. If you did not change your filename, your backend login screen will appear in https://yoursite.com/assets/ratings.php
  2. Visit control panel URL and enter the username and password you set up previously.
  3. Using control panel you can check all comments received, edit or delete them.





We do not provide user and password to demo to keep our comments clean. If you want to try control panel, contact us.

URL: https://responsive-muse.com/demos/widget-rating-reviews/assets/ratings.php



Currently, the widget does not support captcha but we created the submit form without any <form> labels. This means it should be very hard for spam bots to detect and post on it.
You have probably used a text editor that has changed the file enconding. We recommend editing a fresh version of ratings.php with Sublime or Notepad++
Open widget settings and delete ratings.php. Then, reattach the php file again.
This widget requires Adobe Muse CC 2017 and up. Usually we can provide a widget compatible with older versions if you contact us, but we do not provide support for it and we cannot guarantee its full functionality.

9 reviews for Ratings & Reviews

  1. Doga

    Great release!

  2. ChristianH

    Amazing product and never seen in Muse before, keep up good work 🙂

  3. Robert Bright

    Really nice widget!! keep up doing this good stuff!

  4. Tsianos

    improved with the update

  5. Kate

    No issues at all on my site. Love it 🙂

  6. Brad Pit

    Gran programa

  7. Toni

    After some problems on my server it’s working now, support team help was good

  8. Lorenzo

    ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT! I got the stars to appear in Google results.

  9. patrick.putschelik (verified owner)

    my reviews dont show up on other devices. If i send a test review it appears on my computer for a while and then disappears.. But in the CSV control Panel i can see all the sent reviews.

    Someone got a solution ?

    But still great work! Thanks a lot.

    • responsive-muse

      Thanks for your rating 🙂
      That usually means that you have different URLs versions of your site (with or without www, with or without https).
      That’s a common problem what will make the reviews showing only in the URL where they were left.
      Please, check this ticket reply for another user.

      It is a common SEO mistake that a lot of sites may experience that both www and non www versions are accesible.

      For any web tool and search engines, www and non www versions are different pages, so we coded our tool to work like the standard.

      To correct this you should choose what version of your site do you want (with or without www) and then use a redirection. That redirection will automatically redirect you to the chosen page.

      You can check this to better understanding:

      https://responsive-muse.com/ -> our main domain
      https://www.responsive-muse.com/ -> we do not like this one, so it will automatically redirect you to the main domain

      Creating a redirection should be easy, but it depends on your hosting provider. It is usually done using a .htaccess file in your main FTP folder.

      Some info about htaccess redirection:



      Anyway, your hosting support should provide you instructions about how to do this in your server.


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