How to create a full page slideshow

Slideshows are very popular elements on homepage web designs. If you are planning to design your website and you are not interested in including lots of information on your homepage, a full page slideshow with your best photos is a great option. This type of slideshow will automatically adapt to your browsers width and height, so you will not need to scroll to see the whole image. In this tutorial we are going to show you how to create a fullscreen slideshow with an Adobe Muse Widget. This is a free widget that comes with the program.

  1. If you open the Widget Library Window in Adobe Muse, you will find a list of folders that contain widgets. Open the Slideshow Folder and drag fullscreen to your workspace. See how the widget fits your workspace on its own.screen-shot-2016-11-21-at-18-11-34

2. Open the Widget Options and add images by clicking on the “add image folder”.


3. Make sure that the “fullscreen” option is activated.


This is a simple way to add a Fullscreen Slideshow to your website. We are not going to change all the options, but you can style the slideshow as you like. You can add captions or a counter, show thumbnails and display previous/back buttons.


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