How to display Latests Posts in Converter Template Homepage

Some of you might be wondering if you can add Latest Posts to your homepage after converting your Adobe Muse Template into WordPress with our Converter. The answer is yes! Once in WordPress you can install a plugin and add a dynamic element. Here is our little trick for you:

  1. Install your converted template and install this recommended plugin called Page Builder by SiteOrigin. There are many other plugins you can download. We just recommend this one because we think it is good and it is free. You can find more information about this plugin here.
  2. Create a new page. Go to Pages -> Add New and name it Latest Posts. When you are done, publish it.



3. Now we are going to use this page as our front page. Go to Settings->Reading and some options will display. In “Front Display Options” click on “A static page” and select “Latest Posts”. Remember to save the changes!


4. Go back to Pages and open “Latest Posts”. You can see a new tab on the right called “Page Builder”. If you do not see it, your should probably install the plugin again. The tab will appear when the plugin in installed correctly. 


5. Click on “Page Builder” tab and you will see how the options bellow appear.



You can actually style this widget, add several rows, select a background… but we are going to make it simpler. We are just going to click on “+Widget” and a window with all the widgets will display.


6. From all the widgets, we are going to select “Post Loop”. You can try any other!

7. When you select the widget, it will appear on a bar in the Page Editor. We are going to open the “Post Loop” options to select the number of posts I want to show. Hover over the bar and “Edit” will appear.


8. In “Posts per page” type the number of posts you want to show. For example, if you type in 2 posts, only these will appear, but you will get a clickable “Older Posts” so you can navigate back to the rest.


Watch the video tutorial!

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