Home Forums Support Widget Support Muse Online Shop Attribute Maximum of 6?

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    Is there any way to have more attributes per product than 6 for the drop down? I can’t find an obvious way to add more, and most items I need to input will easily need more than twice the shown maximum of six.


    Hello April.

    So about how many attributes per product would you need?

    We need to make fields for every extra attribute and we did not want widget settings to be so huge.

    Kind regards.


    Well, for example, the first item I’m attempting to put up had 16 options, and that was after breaking it into subcategories which could be separate listings. I realize that I’m probably an outlier on this – I was just curious if there was an option to add more I was missing.


    We are waiting Adobe Muse letting us any way to add user chosen number of fields in widget settings. We hope we can do it soon, that would avoid a lot of headaches.

    Anyway, since that is not so big requirement and we just launched our support forum, maybe we can make an exception 😉

    It would be enough 16 options just on first attribute group? or do you need 16 in each one? Are you using widget with or without leading zeros?


    I am only using the first attribute group, and I am using the one with leading zeros, listed as MuseShop Product 4 in my library.


    Cool, our devs are working on it.

    Since we will not release it to everyone (too many fields can confuse users) we will sent it to your email.

    I´ll post back when done!


    We just sent it to your client email address. Tell us if there is any problem with extra attributes please.

    NOTE: If any other client want this mod, feel free to ask us about it!


    Hello! I just bought the cart widget and it’s amazing, but I need to have more slot for the options, is it possible to have the modified version with the options list up to 25?
    Thank you in advance!


    Sorry, the options are limited since Muse does not accept dynamic fields.
    Kind regards.

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